1999 X-Urbanism: Architecture and the American City, Princeton Architectural
Press, New York 1995 Agrest and Gandelsonas, Works, Princeton Architectural
Press, New York "The Master Plan as Political Site", Assemblage 27, MIT Press
1994 "Double Interview" in Agrest & Gandelsonas, Works, Princeton Architectural
Press, New York, "The Politics of Architecture", Assemblage Conference at the
School of Architecture, Tulane University Interview by Xavi Ayen published in
La Vanguardia, Barcelona, May 20 Interview by Sonia Pay, published in Avui,
Barcelona, May 18 Interview by Rosario Fontova published in El Periodico, Barcelona,
May 26 "Eyes Which do not Listen", School of Architecture, Harvard University
"Urban Futures", Asociacion de Arquitectos, Barcelona Spain 1993 "Not the last
word", ANY 1, New York, 1993 1991 The Urban Text. The Chicago Institute for
Architecture and Urbanism/ The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1991. 1990 Cesar Pelli,
Building and Projects 1965-1990, "Conditions for a Colossal Architecture", pp.9-12,
Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., NY, NY, 1990. 1989 New Haven, Order
1987, School of Architecture, Yale University 1987 "Analytic Drawings of Boston",
Assemblage 3, MIT Press 1987 1984 "Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Head
Office," Global Architecture ADA EDITA, Tokyo 1983 "From Structure to Subject"
in House X, P. Eisenman, Rizzoli International WRITINGS BY MARIO GANDELSONAS
(continued) 1982 Despues Del Modernismo: Interview with Mario Gandelsonas "Edificio
para Vivendas" BS AS Building I, Summa, Sept. 1982 No. 178/179 1980 "From Structure
to Subject" Oppositions 17, 1979, MIT Press, and A + U January 1980, Tokyo "On
Practice", Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas, Special Issue, Architecture and
Urbanism, Tokyo 1979 "On Practice", in International Architect 1-1 September
1979, London 1978 "Neo-Functionalismo" in Arquitecturas Bis 22, 1978, Barcelona
"On Reading Eisenstein, Reading Piranesi" in Oppositions 11, 1978, MIT Press
1977 Editorial (with Peter Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton and Anthony Vidler), in
Oppositions 9, 1977, MIT Press "La Architectura entre la memoria y la amnesia",
in Projecto y Ciudad Historica C.O.A.G., Santiago de Compostela, 1977 1976 "Neo-functionalism
and the State of the Art", editorial in Oppositions 5, 1976 MIT Press "Richard
Meier's Douglas House", in A + U, April 1976, Tokyo (in Japanese) "Theoretical
Landscapes", in Lotus International 11, Electra Editrice, Milan "Semiotics and
the Limits of Architecture", in A + U, April 1976 Tokyo (in Japanese) "architecture/Architecture"
with D. Agrest, 1970, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui #186, August-September 1975
Semiologia E Architettura: Consumo Ideologico Lavoro Teorico, in Contraspazio,
Rome, October "Linguistique, Poetique Theorie de l'Architecture", in Histoires
et Theories de l'Architecture, L'Institut de L'Environment, Paris "Oppositions,"
in AMC April 1975, Paris "Linguistic and Semiotic Models in Architecture", in
Basic Questions of Design, North Holland Editor "Linguistics, Poetics and Architectural
Theory", Semiotics, Fall 1975, New York WRITINGS BY MARIO GANDELSONAS (continued)
1974 The Architectural Signifier, paper presented at The First Congress of the
International Association of Semiotics, Milan, Italy "On Reading Architecture
II" (on the work of Peter Eisenman) in A + U, February 1974, Tokyo (in Japanese)
1973 "Semiotics and Architecture: Ideological Consumption or Theoretical Work",
in Oppositions 1, The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. Critical
Remarks on Semiology and Architecture, with Diana Agrest, Semiotica Volume IX,
3, Mouton, The Haugue "Semiotics, A Tool for Theoretical Development" in Environmental
Design Research, Volume II, Wofgang F.E. Preiser, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross,
Inc. "Linguistics in Architecture", in Casabella, February, Milan 1972 "On Reading
Architecture" in A + U September 1972 Tokyo (in Japanese) "On Reading Architecture"
in Progressive Architecture, March 1972, Reinhold Publishing Company 1971 "El
diseno del tiempo libre", Summa 34 Buenos Aires 1970 "Un enfoque teorico de
la Arquitectura", Summa 32 Buenos Aires De la Semiologia, los Objectos Perversos
y los Textos Ideologicos, with D. Agrest and J.C. Indart, Summa 32, Buenos Aires
1969 "Una Bibliografia sobre el tema Vivienda" Summa 9-10, Buenos Aires BIBLIOGRAPHY
to work published are under WORK 1995 "Sechs Tuerme fuer den Hauersammler: Ein
exzentrisches ensemble fuer einen amerikanischen Architekturfreak" ("Six Towers
for a Collector of Houses: An outlandish complex for an American publisher")
by Horst rasch in Hauser:Architektur-Kunst-Interieur-Garten, May "The Masterpieces
They Call Home," by Paul Goldberger, in Houses as Art: New York Times Magazine,
Special Issue, March 12 II. WORK AND RELATED WRITINGS (continued) "El caracter
de las cosas," Des Moines Vision Plan, Casa en SagPoint, Departamento enCentral
Park, by Fernando Diez, in Summa + 11, February/March 1994 Agrest and Gandelsonas,
A+U, Special issue, Fall 1994 Gazebo con Villa by matteo Vercelloni, in Abitare
332, September Des Moines Vision Plan, Casabella June The Des Moines Vision
Plan in Urban Revisions, Current Projects for the public Realm, by Elizabeth
Smith, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, MIT Press Haus der Sechs
Tuerme, by joseph Giovannini, Architektur & Wohnen, January 1989 The American
City and the Architectural Continuum, Iowa Architect, December 1989 Agrest and
Gandelsonas - Architectural Digest, April 1989 1988 Fire and Ice, New York Magazine
Two Urban Proposals for High-Rise Residential Buildings, Summa 251, July 1988
Buenos Aires 1987 The Chicago Tapes, Transcript of Conference at University
of Illinois at Chicago, 11/7/86 - 11/8/86 Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas
pp. 58-69 Project for the Renewal of the Area of Port Vittoria, Milano, Le Citta
Imaginate, Nove Progetti per Nove Citta, Electa, Milano - 1987 1986 Deep Ellum
- Dallas, Texas, Master Plan and Buildings, Lotus International 1986 11, 50,
Milano Monumentality Within and Without the City, La Defense, Paris - Composite
Drawings, Summario, Buenos Aires, 1986 West Street Office Building, Summario,
Buenos Aires, 1986 Bill Robinson Showroom by Agrest and Gandelsonas, Architectural
Record Interiors, 1986 1985 The Gramercy Park Condominium Building, Renovation
and Four Office Interiors, Architectural Record, April 1985 Forms of a Legend:
Four Follies, Architecture + Urbanism, Tokyo, 1985:01 WORK AND RELATED WRITINGS
(continued) 1984 Shingle - Schinkle, Design for a Holiday House, Lotus International
44, Milano, 1984 Two-Pavillion House, Parents and Children, Lotus International
44, Milano, 1984 Urban Fragments - Building I, Agrest and Gandelsonas, special
feature and cover, Architecture + Urbanism, Tokyo, 1984:08 Monumentality Within
and Without the City, International Communication Center, La Defense, Paris,*
Architecture + Urbanism, 1984:08 The Forms of a Legend: Four Follies - Gran
Bazaar, March, 1984 Three Buildings in Buenos Aires, Autonomous Architecture
- Harvard Architectural Review, Volume 3, Winter 1984 Las Formas de una Leyenda
in Follies: Arquitectura para el paisaje de finales del siglo XX, ed. B.J. Archer
- MOPU Architectura, Madrid, Spain, 1984 1983 Beautification of the Town - Architecture
Between Memory and Amnesia, A Project in the Minneapolis Grid, Lotus International
39, 1983, III Past and Present, Manhattan Additions I, 1980-81, Art Press, Paris,
hors serie No. 2, Summer 1985 Retreat-Hotel, The Agrest and Gandelsonas Studio,
Fall 1983, Student Work, Yale School of Architecture, 1983 Georgica House and
Villa Le Brun, The Princeton Architectural Journal, Volume 1, 1983 Forms of
a Legend, Four Follies: Architecture for the Late XXth Century Landscape, ed.
B.J. Archer, Rizzoli, New York, 1983 Una Casa a Misura Di, Three projects and
texts by Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas, Casa per una copia di Psicanalisti:
Figure di contradizione, Casa per una Copia di Avocati: Il concetto di porta,
Casa per un Musicisata: Le scale - Casa Vogue, no. 140, April 1983 1982 Architectural
Drawings, Drawings by Architects, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1982
Manhattan Additions I - Architectural Design 52 NO. 5/6, London, 1982 Architettura
Urbana: Manhattan Additions II, Domus 627, April 1982 1981 New York, Historical
District, Design and Preservation, Lotus International 31, 1981, IV The Park
of La Villette, Architecture as Mise en Sequence, Lotus International 31, 1981,
II WORK AND RELATED WRITINGS (continued) Projects by Diana Agrest and Mario
Gandelsonas, Controspazio anno XII No. 2, April-June 1981 Diana Agrest - Mario
Gandelsonas, Ten Projects, Exhibition Catalogue, Yale School of Architecture
Manhattan Additions II, Architecture Between Memory and Amnesia, Architettura/Idea,
XVI Triennale di Milano, ed. A. Rossi, D. Vitale, and L. Meda, Alinari, Firenze
House for a Couple of Psychoanalysts Idea As Model, IAUS Catalogue #3, Rizzoli
International, 1981 1980 On Practice, Special Issue on the Work of Agrest and
Gandelsonas, includes eleven projects from 1970 to 1978 - Architecture + Urbanism
114, March 1980 Architecture Between Memory and Amnesia, City Segments, Design
Quarterly, #113-114, January 1980 Architecture Drawings "Doors" House Dessins
d'Architects Gallerie Nina Dausset, editions L'Equerre, Paris, 1980 La Villette,
City Segments, Design Quarterly #13-114, January 1980 1979 "Urban Fragments:
Three Buildings in Buenos Aires", and cover, International Architect, Volume
1 Number 1, Issue 1, 1979 A Suburban Center for Minneapolis, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui
202, Paris, April 1979 Arquitectura Critica/Critica Arquitectonica, several
projects and cover, Summarios 13, November 1979, Buenos Aires Arquitectura,
Entre la Memoria, y la Amnesia, Centro en Minneapolis a Orillas del Mississippi,
Architectura 218, May-June 1979, Madrid 1978 Les Grandes Demeures, Summer House,
Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 200, December 1978, Paris Architecture as a Cultural
Practice: Six Projects by Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas, Assenza/Pressenza:
edited by Fulvio Irace, D'Auria Editrice, Bologna, 1978 1977 The Future of Architecture,
cover illustration, Progressive Architecture, May 1977 The Roosevelt Island
Project, New York, Space Design 10, October 1977 Project for La Villette, Paris,
Space Design 10, October 1977 Doors: A Summer House, Suburban Center for Minneapolis
in 40 Under 40, Architecture + Urbanism #73, 1977:01 WORK AND RELATED WRITINGS
(continued) 1976 Paris: La Villette Public Spaces, Lotus International 1, December
1978 Roosevelt Island Competition Project, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 186, August-September
1976 La Villette Competition Project, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 187, October-November
1976 La Villette Competition Project, Paris Project #15-16, 1976 1975 Roosevelt
Island Housing Competition Project, Controspazio 4, Rome, December 1975 BIBLIOGRAPHY
III. WRITINGS ON MARIO GANDELSONAS 1997 "Urban Interiors in New York and USA",
Milano, Italy. 1996 "Brave New World, American Architects in the 1990s', in
Contemporary American Architects. "Plano Vision: Por un urbanismo Americano,
Agrest e Gandelsonas, in Projeto, 197. 1994 "Haus der sechs Turme", Architecktur
& Wohnen, January 94 Anthony Vidler: "Shooting the City," introduction to Agrest
and Gandelsonas 1993 "House of Lights", Bazaar, August 1993 "House on Sag Pond",
The Easthampton Star, July 1993 1992 "Charivari Store," Oculus, November 1992
"Village, Sweet Village," The New York Times, July 1992. "Filling in Princeton,"
Progressive Architecture, April 1992. "Work in Iowa," Progressive Architecture,
February 1992. 1991 "Des Moines and the Vision Thing," December 1991. "Duplex
Apartment by Agrest and Gandelsonas," 1991. WRITINGS ON MARIO GANDELSONAS (continued)
"Agrest and Gandelsonas," Architectural Digest: The AD 100 Architects, 1991.
"`Farm art' is part of Vision Plan for airport," Des Moines Register, October
26, 1991. " Image update eyed for D.M. airport," Des Moines Register, November
1, 1991. "Work In Iowa," Iowa Architect, Fall 1991. 1990 "The American City,
an Architectural Continuum," Iowa Architect, Winter 1990. "Masters of New York
Material Culture," Architectural Digest, November 1990 "When Worlds Collide:
Theory and Practice," (interview by Suzanne Stevens), Oculus 53, November 1990.
1989 "Revisionist History," House and Garden, November 1989 "Homage to Loos,"
Architectural Record, October 1989 "Agrest and Gandelsonas," Architectural Digest,
April 1989 1988 Cesar Pelli: "On Agrest and Gandelsonas," Catalog, Five Choose
Five, AIA, St Louis 1988 Suzanne Stephens: "Ad at large," Architectural Digest,
November 1988, Los Angeles "On the Drawing Board," Avenue, November 1988, New
York "Des Moines chosen for Major Architectural Study," Business Record, October
10 1988, Des Moines, Iowa "Architectural Study could give Des Moines Ideas,"
The Des Moines Register, October 17 1988, Des Moines, Iowa Michael Benedikt:
"Realness & realism: a new edition," Center: A Journal for Architecture in America,
The University of Texas at Austin, Volume 4, 1988, Rizzoli Joseph Giovanini:
"Un-Design, out with aggressive decor," New York Times, June 22 1988, New York
1987 Suzanne Stephens: "The Architects vs. the Critics", Avenue Magazine, November
Vol. 12 No. 3 pp. 136-151 "What's Modern Now," New York Magazine, September
28 1987, pp. 58-62 George Baird: "Urban Americana: A commentary on the Analytic
Drawings of Mario Gandelsonas," Assemblage 3, MIT Press, 1987 WRITINGS ON MARIO
GANDELSONAS (continued) Pierluigi Nicolin: "Le Citta Immaginate, Nove Progetti
per Nove Citta," XVII Triennale di Milano, Electa, 1987 1986 "Architecture and
the Analogic Construct," Interview Journal 1986, School of Architecture, The
University of Notre Dame, 1986 Barbara Jakobson: "Deep Ellum Project," Lotus
International 50, 1986 Isabelle Malieu-Viennot and Philippe Robert, "The Gramercy
Park Condominiums, New York," Creer dans le Cree, ICOMOS France, Electa Moniteur,
Milan, Paris, 1986 Pierluigi Nicolin: " On the Traces of the American City,
" Lotus International 50, 1986 Herbert Muschamp: "Ground Up," Art Forum, March
1986 1985 "Architetti, USA, Portrait" Vogue Italia, No. 422, April 1985 "Theme
and Variations," Architectural Record, April 1985 Werner Oechslin: " The Beautification
of the City, " La Ricostruzione della citta XVII Triennale di Milano, Electa,
1985 1984 Alan Colquhoun: "Creative Design and Critical Discourse," Lotus International
44, I 1984 H. W. Hammer and J. P. Kleihues: "Idee Prozess Ergebnis," Die Reparatur
und Rekonstrunktion der Stadt catalog, International Bauausstellung, Berlin,
1984 "Folie per Paesaggi del XX secolo," Casa Vogue, No. 148, January 1984 Kurt
Forster: "A Sense of Building," Architecture and Urbanism, 1984:08 Christine
Boyer: " Architecture of Fragments in Detail " The Special Task, AIR Gallery,
New York, 1984 "Metamanhattan," The Whitney Museum Catalogue. Andrew Ancker,
Mark Kessler, W. Scott Clark (editors): "Autonomous Architecture, Diana Agrest-
Mario Gandelsonas," Harvard Architectural Review, volume 3, Winter 1984 Kurt
Forster: "A Sense of Building," Lotus International 41, I, 1984 1983 Alan Colquhoun:
"On Writing Architecture," Progressive Architecture, June, 1983 "Manhattan Additions
I," Special Architecture, Art Press, Paris, Summer 1983. Odilia Suarez: "Edificio
para Viviendas Buenos Aires," Summa, No. 186, April 1983 WRITINGS ON MARIO GANDELSONAS
(continued) Giannini Giuilo Simmonetti: "L'Architettura BiFronte, Relazioni
di Progetti, Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas," Gran Bazaar, March 1983 Suzanne
Stephens: " On Style, Skyline," January, 1983 Paolo Portoghesi: "Post Modern
- The Architecture of the Post-Industrial Society," Rizzoli, New York 1983,
Electa Milano, 1982 1982 Aldo Rossi: " On 22 East 71st Street," Skyline, April
1983 Pilar Viladas: "Right Building, Wrong Block," Progressive Architecture,
January, 1982 George Lewis: "Chapter Active on Upper East Side District," and
cover, Occulus - The New York Chapter of the AIA, Volume #43, #8, May 1982 Samuel
Brody, John Hejduk, Jacquelin Robertson, Anthony Vidler: "Letter to the Landmarks
Preservation Commission in support of A & G project in Manhattan Additions I,"
Architectural Design, 52,5/6, 1982 Vittorio Magnano Lampugnani: "Architecture
of the 20th Century in Drawings," Rizzoli, New York, 1982 1981 Anthony Vidler:
"The Texts of Typology, Diana Agrest - Mario Gandelsonas," Exhibition Catalogue,
Yale School of Architecture, New Haven, 1981 George Ranalli: "Foreword, Diana
Agrest - Mario Gandelsonas," Exhibition Catalogue, Yale School of Architecture,
New Haven, 1981 Paolo Portoghesi: "Un Omaggio a New York," L'Espresso, November
1981 Martin Filler: "Harbingers Ten Architects," Art in America, Summer 1981
Suzanne Stephens: "Tradition of the New," Skyline, December 1981 Ada Louise
Huxtable: "State of the Art," New York Times, August 1981 David Shapiro and
Lindsay Stam: "On Intensity." Window, Room, Furniture, The Cooper Union- Rizzoli,
1981 Paul Goldberger: "Debate Over Proposed 71st Street Tower," New York Times,
November 10, 1981 1980 Mildred S. Friedman: "Editor's Notes, City Segments,"
Design Quarterly 113-114, 1980 "Designs for Living," Ambassador (TWA), April
1980 1979 Suzanne Stephens: " Beyond Modernism, Playing with a Full Decade,"
Progressive Architecture, December 1979 WRITINGS ON MARIO GANDELSONAS (continued)
J. Grossman: "A Different Project - Three Buildings in Buenos Aires," La Nacion,
Buenos Aires, November 21 1979 M. Staat: "The New Architecture - Houses to Human
Scale, " Quest, February-March 1979 Ivor Indyk: "Literary Theory and Architectural
Practice, A Note on Agrest & Gandelsonas on Practice," International Architect,
Number 1, Volume 1, 1979 J. Grossman: " IAUS - New Roads in the Theory and Criticism
of Architecture," L Nacion, Buenos Aires, August 1979 1976 Manfredo Tafuri:
"Les Cendres de Jefferson," Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 186, Paris. August-September
1976 Paul Goldberger: "How Architects Develop Ideas," New York Times, December
27 1976 Odile Fillion: "La Villette - Le Concours Impossible," Cree 43, September-October,
Paris 1976 David Morton - Suzanne Stephens: "Singular Houses," Progressive Architecture,
August 1976 1975 "Midtown Architecture Institute Flowering as a Student Mecca,"
The New York Times, October 30 1975 Claudio D'Amato: "Roosevelt Island Housing
Competition," Controspazio, Annovii No.4, December 1975 1970 Pierre Restany,
"Architetti Argentini," Domus, May 1970 WORK 1995- Present River Place, a public
space in Red Bank, New Jersey, 1995 Private Residence in Short Hills, New Jersey,
1995 Melrose Houses Community Center, New York City Housing Authority, New York
City Farrugut Houses Community Center, New York City Housing Authority, New
York City East River Houses Community Center, New York City Housing Authority,
New York City Master Plan of the "French Concession" area, Shanghai, P.R.C.,
1994 1993 Gateway Project, Des Moines, Iowa. Viatel offices, New York City WORK
(continued) 1992 Duplex Apartment, 1001 5th Avenue. Charivari, Madison Avenue
Store, New York City. House and Studio in Bridgehampton, Long Island, NY for
David Salle. 1991 Hillside: Planning, massing and design guidelines for a new
downtown residential development (1,500 units), Des Moines, Iowa. Renovation
and Landscaping of the Airport Terminal, Des Moines. 1990 Des Moines Vision
Plan. Master Plan for Des Moines, Iowa. Princeton University Student Center
- 15,000 sq. ft. of renovation of existing buildings and 15,000 sq. ft. of new
construction. 1989 Urban Ready-Mades: A Master Plan for Goose Island, Chicago
Installation for the Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco Interior Design, Renovation
and Furnishing of Apartment 74A at 146 West 57th Street, New York City Private
Residence: 7000 sq. ft. House and Landscaping of 7-acre site, Sagaponack, Southampton,
New York 1988 Horsefarm in Upstate New York. New construction, renovation of
existing barns Restaurant at 150 Wooster Street, 2000 sq.ft. New construction
in New York City. Bar at 428 Lafayette Street, 3000 sq.ft. Renovation in New
York City. Summer House - 2500 sq.ft. house in Punta del Este, Uruguay War Memorial
for Brown University - Invited competition (project) 1987 Restaurant at 250
Hudson Street, 5000 sq ft. Interior renovation in New York City Private Residence
- Duplex Apartment 1500 sq ft. Renovation in New York City WORK (continued)
Private Residence - 4,000 sq ft. Restoration of oldest farmhouse in Southampton,
New York 1986 Master Plan - Porta Vittoria in Milan, Italy (project) for the
1987 Milan Triennale Private Residence - 6,000 sq ft. Renovation, additions
and landscape, Main Street, Southampton, New York Private Residence, Duplex
Apartment, 4,500 sq ft. Renovation in New York City 1986 Mixed-use Building
complex, 350,000 sq ft of residential, retail offices and space - Main Street,
Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas West Street, 300,000 sq ft. Office building renovation,
New York City Bill Robinson Showroom, 575 Fifth Avenue, New York City 1985 Summer
House - Moving, renovation and landscape, East Hampton, New York Private Residence
- 2,000 sq ft. Apartment renovation, New York City Master Plan - 20-acre area
of Deep Ellum, Dallas, Texas; Agrest and Gandelsonas, C.H. Design, Machado -
Silvetti West 58th Street Apartment Building - 70,000 sq ft. Renovation, New
York City Urban Capital Offices - New York City Multiplex Electrical Service
- Offices New York City Varick Street - 150,000 sq ft. Office building, renovation
Private Residence - 12,000 sq ft. House in Fairfax County, Vienna, Virginia
(project) 1984 Newport News Cultural Arts Pavillion - Theater complex in Newport
News, Virginia (competition) Private Residence - 7500 sq ft. Single-family townhouse,
New York City Corporate Food Services Headquarters - New York City 1983 Project
for the International Center of Communication at the Tete Defense - Paris, Competition-Project
Rehabilitation International Headquaters - New York City Four Follies for exhibition
at the Leo Castelli Gallery in New York WORK (continued) 1981 Apartment Building
- 75,000 sq ft. Renovation and new construction in New York City, joint venture
with The Gruzen Partnership (project) Agrest and Gandelsonas - offices, New
York City 1980 Project for the Renewal of Les Halles - Paris France Apartment
Building in New York City (project) 1978-83 Building IV - 35,000 sq ft. Apartment
Building, Buenos Aires, A & G with Feferbaum-Naszewsky Building III - 45,000
sq ft. Apartment Building, Buenos Aires, A & G with Feferbaum-Naszewsky Building
II - 55,000 sq ft. Mixed-Use Building, Buenos Aires, A & G with Feferbaum-Naszewsky
Pesking Residence - residence and offices - Buenos Aires (project) A & G with
Feferbaum-Naszewsky 1977-82 Building I - 40,000 sq ft. Apartment Building, Buenos
Aires, A & G with F & N 1977 Feferbaum House, 3500 sq ft. Summer residence,
Punta del Este, Uruguay (project) 1976 Project for the Renewal of the 80-acre
area of La Villette, France - International Competition. Second Prize with Agrest,
Silvetti, Latour Proposal for the development of a 50-acre area mixed-use suburban
center on the Mississippi - Minneapolis, (project) with Agrest, Machado, Silvetti
Housing Proposal for the French Ministry of Housing (competition) with Agrest,
Machado, Silvetti 1975 Roosevelt Island Housing Competition - New York City,
(project) with Agrest, Machado, Silvetti 1970 Two Pierre Cardin Stores - Buenos
Aires Blue gold, Household Appliances Manufacturing Company - Exhibition Pavillion,
Buenos Aires EXHIBITIONS 1995 Urban Revisions - Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines,
Iowa 1994 Urban Revisions - Museum of Contemporary Arts, Los Angeles, California
Urban Revisions - Centre Candien d'Architecture, Montreal Canada 1990 Visionary
San Francisco, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Installation - the Museum
of Modern Art, San Francisco 1989 New York Architecture - German Architecture
Museum, Frankfurt, West Germany Installation at the First National Bank, Chicago
Five Choose Five AIA National Convention - St Louis, Missouri 1987 Le Citta
Imaginate, Nove Progetti per Nove Citta - XVII Triennale di Milano 1985 Old
Buildings, New Design - ICOMOS, Conseil International de Monuments et des Sites,
Centre Pompidou, Paris 1984 Detail: The Special Task - A.I.R. Gallery, New York
City The Reconstruction of the City - XVII Triennale di Milano Metamanhattan
- The Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch Follies: Architecture
for the late XXth Century Landscape - James Corocran Gallery, Los Angeles Follies:
Arquitectura Para el Paisaje de Finales del Siglo XX - MOPU Arquitectura, Madrid,
Spain 1983 The work of Agrest and Gandelsonas - A.A.M./COOP, Architettura Arte
Moderna Idee, Prozess, Ergebnis (Idea, Process, Results)- International Bauauketelung
(IBA) Berlin Follies: Architecture for the Late XXth Century Landscape - Leo
Castelli Gallery, New York City The new American Architecture - Sweet Briar
College, Virginia EXHIBITIONS (continued) 1981 Autonomous Architecture - The
Work of Eight Contemporary Architects, Fogg Art Musuem, Harvard University Manhattan
Additions - The Lobby, New York City Window, Room, Furniture - Houghton Gallery,
The Cooper Union, New York City City Segments - Neuberger Museum, College at
Purchase, New York The work of Agrest & Gandelsonas - Yale University, School
of Architecture Architettura/Idea - XVI Triennale di Milano 1980 City Segments
- Walker Arts Center, Minneapolis EXHIBITIONS (continued) City Segments - The
Chicago Public Cultural Center, Fort Worth Art Museum, Blaffer Gallery, University
of Houston Nina Daussett Gallery - Dessins d'Architects, Paris, France The Work
of Agrest and Gandelsonas - Princeton University, School of Architecture 1979
Diana Agrest - Mario Gandelsonas - P.S. 1 New York 1978 Assenza/Pressenza: una
Ipotesi per l'Architettura - Galleria Communale d'Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy
1977 La Villette Project - Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, New
York City 1976 Work by Agrest, Gandelsonas, Machado, Silvetti, Princeton University,
School of Architecture and Planning La Villette Competition - La Villette Paris,
France The River, Images of the Mississippi - Walker Arts Center, Minneapolis
Idea as Model - Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York City
1974 Drawing as Architecture - Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies,
New York City RECENT LECTURES 1995 Agrest and Gandelsonas: Recent Work, Tongji
University, Shanghai, November Agrest and Gandelsonas: Recent Work, Tsing Hua
University, Peking, November Agrest and Gandelsonas: Recent Work, The Architectural
League, New York City, October Seminar on Urban Form, at the ETH, Zurich, July
House on Sag Pond, at the ETH, Zurich, July Seminar on Urbanism, Maestria de
Urbanismo, June 1994 Eyes which do not see, School of Architecture, Harvard
University, February The Work of Agrest and Gandelsonas, Department of Architecture,
University of Hong Kong, March Urban Futures, Barcelona, Spain, May The Order
of the American City, Temple University, July RECENT CONFERENCES 1997 The Culture
of Megacities, University of Hong Kong 1995 The Des Moines Vision Plan, The
Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa, Panel Discussion Urban Mutations, Urban
Futures Conference, Barcelona, June 1994 "The Asia Architectural Association
Meeting", Shanghai, P.R.C. The Politics of Architecture, Assemblage Magazine,
Tulane University Executive Committee Meeting for the UIA 96 International Conference,
Barcelona |
Diana Agrest
Mario Gandelsonas