1997 Architectural Houses,
Francisco Asensio, Atrium International The New American Apartment, Ed. Oscar
Riera Ojeda, Whitney Library of Design Urban Interiors in New York and USA,
Matteo Vercelloni, Ed. L'Archivolto 1996 Contemporary American Architects II,
Ed. Philip Jodidio, Taschen The Sex of Architecture, Ed. with P.Conway and L.Kanes
Weisman, also Introduction and Essay " The Return of (the Repressed) Nature,
Harry N. Abrams The Architect, Reconsatructing Her Practice, Francesca Hughes,
MIT Press 1995 Agrest and Gandelsonas: Works, Princeton Architectural Press,
Spring 1995 The New American Houses, Edit. Oscar Riera Ojeda, Whitney Library
of Design Architecture From Without: Theoretical Framings for a Critical Practice,
Japanese translation Kajima Institute Publishing Company 1991 Architecture From
Without: Theoretical Framings for a Critical Practice, MIT Press, Spring 1991
1982 A Romance With the City: The Work of Irwin S. Chanin, The Cooper Union
JOURNALS 1998 Een Kritiek Op De Moderne Stedebouw, Introductie Op Het Werk Van
Diana Agrest, de Architect, february ,The Hague, The Netherlands 1996 Plano
Vision: por un Urbanismo Americano Agrest e Gandelsonas, Projeto, Revista de
Arquitetura, Interiores e Design 197 Sao Paolo, Brazil Urbanismo in America,
Controspazio, April UIA Catalogue, Barcelona 1995 "Sechs Tuerme fur den Hauersammler:
Ein exzentrisches ensemble fuer einen Americanen Architekturfreak" ( Six Towers
for a Collector of Houses: An outlandish complex for and American publisher
) Architektur-Kunst- Interieur-Garten, Zurich, May House on Sag Pond, in Houses
as Art, New York Times Magazine, Special Issue, March 12 Des moines Vision Plan,
Casa en Sag Pond, Duplex en Central Park West, Summa+ 11, Buenos Aires, February/March
1994 " Gazebo con Villa", Abitare 332, Milano, September Engendering the Urban
Discourse, ANY 4, New York, Winter 1994 Des Moines Vision Plan, Casabella 613,
Milano, June The Des Moines Vision Plan, in Urban Revisions,Current Projects
for the Public Realm, by Elizabeth Smith, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los
Angeles, MIT Press Haus der Sechs Tuerme, Architektur & Wohnen, January 1992
A Symbolic Dissent, The China Basin Project, Modulus 21 1991 New York Times
Sag Pond, Slezin New York Times, thursday 1990 When Worlds Collide: Theory and
Practice - (interview), Suzanne Stephens, Oculus, Volume 53, No. 3, I. Work
and related writings by D A (continued) Visionary San Francisco - San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art 1988 Fire and Ice, Apartment on Park Avenue, New York Magazine
Two urban Proposals for High Rise Buildings, Summa 251, July, Buenos Aires 1987
Project for the Renewal of the Area of Porta Vittoria, Milano, in Le Citta Imaginate,
Nove, Progetti per Nove Citta, Electa, Milano, 1987 The Chicago Tapes - Rizzoli
- 1987 1986 Deep Ellum - Dallas, Texas, Master Plan and Buildings, Lotus International
1986 II, 50, Milano Monumentality Within and Without the City, La Defense, Paris
- Composite Drawings - Summario, Buenos Aires, 1986 West Street Office Building,
Summario, Buenos Aires, 1986 Forms of a Legend: Four Follies, Architecture +
Urbanism, Tokyo, 1985:01 1985 Bill Robinson Showroom, Architectural Record Interiors,
The Gramercy Park Condominium Building, Complete Bulding Renovation and Corporate
Foods Headquarters, Agrest and Gandelsonas Offices, Architectural Record April
1984 Shingle - Schinkle, Design for a Holiday House, Lotus International 44,
Milano, 1984 Two-Pavilion House, Parents and Children, Lotus International 44,
Milano, 1984 Urban Fragments - Building I, Agrest and Gandelsonas, special feature
and cover, Architecture + Urbanism, Tokyo, 1984:08 Park Square Boston, Typewars,
1978, Architecture + Urbanism, 1984:08 Monumentality Within and Without the
City, International Communication Center, La Defense, Paris, Architecture +
Urbanism, 1984:08 The Forms of a Legend: Four Follies - Gran Bazaar, March 1984
Three Buildings in Buenos Aires, Autonomous Architecture - Harvard Architectural
Review, Volume 3, Winter 1984 Los Formas de una Leyenda in Follies: Arquitectura
para el Paisaje de Finales del Siglo XX, ed. B. J. Archer, MOPU Architecura,
Madrid, Spain, 1984 1983 Beautification of the Town - Architecture Between Memory
and Amnesia, A Project in the Minneapolis Grid, Lotus International 39, 1983,
III A Project for Boston, Park Square, Lotus International 39, 1983, III Past
and Present, Manhattan Additions I, 1980-81, Art Press, Paris, hors serie No.
2 Summer 1983 Retreat-Hotel, The Agrest and Gandelsonas Studio, Fall 1983, Student
Work, Yale School of Architecture, 1983 Georgica house and Villa le Brun, The
Princeton Architectural Journal, Volume 1, 1983 Forms of a Legend: Four Follies:
Architecture for the Late XX Century Landscape, ed. B. J. Archer, Rizzoli, New
York 1983 La Riconstuzione della Citta - Project for Park Square, Boston, Project
for Minneapolis, XVII Triennale di Milano, Electa 1983 Una Casa a Misura Di,
Three projects and texts by Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas; Casa per una
copia di Psicanallisti: Figure di contradizione, Casa per un Musicisata: Le
scale - Casa Vogue, No. 140, April 1983 1982 Architectural Drawings, Drawings
by Architects, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1982 Manhattan Additions
I - Architectural Design 52 No. 5/6, London, 1982 1981 Les Echelles, House for
a Musician in Majorca, Spain, Lotus International 31, 1981, III New York, Historical
District, Design and Preservation, Lotus International 31, 1981, IV The Park
of La Villette, Architecture as Mise en Sequence, Lotus International 31, 1981,
II Projects by Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas - Controspazio anno XII No.
2 - April/June, 1981 Diana Agrest-Mario Gandelsonas, Ten Projects, Exhibition
Catalogue, Yale School of Architecture Manhattan Additions II, Architecture
Between Memory and Amnesia, Architecture/Idea, XVI Triennale di Milano, ed,
A. Rossi, D. Vitale, and L. Meda, Alinari, Firenze I. Work and related writings
by DA (continued) Les Echelles, House for a Musician and Architecture Between
Memory and Amnesia, Idea as Model, IAUS Catalogue #3, Rizzoli International,
1981 House for a Couple of Psychoanalysts, Ideas as Model, IAUS Catalogue #3,
Rizzoli International, 1981 Urban Architecture: The Park Square Sketch Problem,
Harvard Architecture Review, Volume 2, Spring, 1981 1980 On Practice, Special
Issue on the Work of Agrest and Gandelsonas, includes eleven projects from 1970
to 1978, Architecture + Urbanism 114, March 1980 Architecture Between Memory
and Amnesia, City Segments, Design Quarterly, #113-114, January 1980 Architecture
Drawings "Doors" House Dessins d'Architects Gallerie Nina Dausset, Edition L'Equerre,
Paris, 1980 La Villette, City Segments, Design Quarterly, #113-114, January
1980 1979 "Urban Fragments: Three Buildings in Buenos Aires", and cover, International
Architect, Volume 1, Number 1, Issue 1, 1979 A Suburban Center for Minneapolis,
Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 202, Paris, April 1979 Arquitectura Critica/Critica
Arquitectonica, several projects and cover, Summarios 13, November 1979, Buenos
Aires Arquitectura, Entre la Memoria y la Amnesia, Centro en Minneapolis a Orillas
del Mississippi, Arquitectura 218, May- June 1979, Madrid 1978 Les Grandes Demeures,
Summer House, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 200, December 1978, Paris Architecture
as a Cultural Practice: Six Projects by Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas,
Assenza/Pressenza: edited by Fulvio Irace, D'Auria Editrice, Bolgna, 1978 1977
The Future of Architecture, cover illustration, Progressive Architecture, May
1977 The Roosevelt Island Project, New York, Space Design 10, October 1977 Project
for La Villette, Paris, Space Design 10, October 1977 Doors: A Summer House,
Suburban Center for Minneapolis in 40 under 40, Architecture + Urbanism #73,
1977:01 1976 Paris: La Villette Public Spaces, Lotus International 13, December
1976 Roosevelt Island Competition Project, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 186, August-September
1976 La Villette Competition Project, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 187, October-November,
1976 La Villette Competition Project, Paris Projet #15-16, 1976 Les Echelles
- Maison pour un Musicien, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 186, August-September
1976 1975 Roosevelt Housing Competition Project, Controspazio 4, Rome, December
1975 NOTE: All credits corresponding to work published are under WORK BIBLIOGRAPHY
II. CRITICAL ESSAYS AND WRITINGS BY DIANA AGREST 1997 Representation as a Theoretical
Project, Postcript to Essays by Stan Allen, G+B Publishers, Newark, NJ 1996
"The Return of the Repressed: Nature", in Redefining Her Practice, ed. Francesca
Hughes, MIT Press The Sex of Architecture, Ed. with P.Conway and L.Kanes Weisman,
also Introduction, Harry N. Abrams " The Return of the Repressed: Nature" in
The Sex of Architecture, Ed. Agrest, Conway, Weisman, Harry N. Abrams 1995 Architecture
From Without: Theoretical Framings for a Critical Practice", Japanese translation
- Kajima Institute Publishing Company 1991 Architecture From Without: Theoretical
Framings for a Critical Practice, MIT Press, Spring 1991 1988 Memories and Places
- Introduction and editor, catalogue on photographic work of Roberto Schezen
- Rizzoli 1987 Architecture From Without, Body, Logic and Sex, Assemblage 7,
MIT Press 1984 Architecture of Mirror/Mirror of Architecture, Oppositions 26,
IAUS, Rizzoli, New York, 1984 1983 Architecttura di Specchio, Rassegna 13, March,
Forms of a Legend: with texts by J.L. Borges - Follies: Architecture for the
Late XX Century Landscape, ed. B.J. Archer, Rizzoli International, New York
1983 1982 A Romance with the City - The Work of Irwin S. Chanin, edited and
main essay by Diana Agrest, The Cooper Union Press, 1982 On Practice, with Mario
Gandelsonas, A Shakra, April, 1982 1981 Notes on Film and Architecture, Skyline,
September 1981 1980 The City as the Place of Representation, in City Segments,
Walker Arts Center, Design Quarterly, #113-114, January, 1980 On Practice, with
Mario Gandelsonas, Architecture + Urbanism, March 1980 Architecture as Cultural
Practice, with Mario Gandelsonas, Architecture + Urbanism, March 1980 1979 Design
Versus Non-Design, Communication 27, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1979 On Practice,
with Mario Gandelsonas, International Architect, Volume 1, Number 1, Issue 1,
London, 1979 "The Architecture of the City", an interview with Aldo Rossi, Skyline,
September 1979 Cansado de Gloria, Interview with Aldo Rossi, Summa #114, Buenos
Aires, December 1979 1978 Towards a Theory of Production of Sense in the Built
Environment (1968-1972) On Streets, edited by S. Anderson, MIT Press, 1978 1977
Semiotics and the Limits of Architecture, with Mario Gandelsonas, (1975) A Perfusion
of Signs, edited by Thomas A. Sebeok, Indiana University Press, 1977 Architectural
Anagrams: The Symbolic Performance of Skyscrapers, Oppositions 11, Winter 1977
1976 Notes Critiques sur le Concours pour Roosevelt Island, W.A. Latour, L'Architecture
d'Aujourd'hui #186, August- September, 1976 Semiotics and the Limits of Architecture,
with Mario Gandelsonas, (1970), L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui #186, August- September,
1976 Form Diggers of 1976: Charles Moores, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, March-April,
1976 1975 Sviluppo Urbano e Forma Della Citta a New York: Note Critiche Sul
Concorso per Roosevelt Island, with A. Latour, Controspazio, December, 1975
II. Critical Essays and Writings by DA (continued) The Sky's the Limit, Architecture
+ Urbanism, No. 60, Tokyo, December, 1975 Semiologia e Architettura: Consumo
Ideologico Lavoro Teorico, with Mario Gandelsonas, Controspazio, October, 1975
Le Ciel et La Limit, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, April, 1975 1974 Les Infortunes
de la Theorie, Histoires et Theories de l'Architecture. Ed. by P. Lesterlin,
published by L'Institut de l'Environment, Paris, 1974 Designed Versus Non-Designed
Public Places, paper presented at the First Congress of the International Association
of Semiotics, Milano, Italy, June 1974 1973 Semiology and Architecture: Ideological
Consumption or Theoretical Work, with Mario Gandelsonas, Oppositions #1, Institute
for Architecture and Urban Studies, 1973 Critical Remarks on Semiology and Architecture,
with Mario Gandelsonas, Semiotica, Volume IX, 3 Mouton, The Hague, 1973 1972
Epistemological Remarks on Urban Planning Models, Institute for Architecture
Mateo Vercelloni:Preface in New Restaurants in USA, Ed.LArchivolto Craig Kellog,
Civic Largess, in Oculus, AIA NY, No 7 March 1997 Joscar Riera Ojeda, Foreward
and Apartment on CPW, in The New American Apartment Jayne Merkel, Houses Now,
in Oculus, AIA NY, Volume 60 No2, October 1996 Philip Jodidio: Brave New World,
American Architects in the 1990's, in Contemporary American Architects, Volume
II, Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Spring 1996. Ruth Verde: Plano Vision: Por
un urbanismo Americano , Agrest e Gandelsonas, in Projeto, Revista de Arquitetura,
Interiores e Design 197, Sao Paolo, Brazil 1995 Oscar Riera Ojeda : The New
American House, Watson Guptill Publications, July Paul Goldberger: The Masterpieces
They Call Home, in "Houses as Art", the New York Times Magazine, March Horst
Rasch: Sechs Tuerme fur den Hauersammler ( Six Towers for a Collector of Houses)in
Architektur-Kunst- Interieur-Garten, Zurich, May Fernando Diez: El Caracter
de las Cosas, Des Moines Vision Plan, Casa en Sag Pond, Duplex en Central Park
West, in Summa + 11, Buenos Aires, February/March 1994 Mateo Vercelloni: Gazebo
con Villa in Abitaere 332, Milano, September Joseph Giovannini: Haus der Sechs
Turme, Architecktur & Wohnen, January 1994. Anthony Vidler: Refiguring the Place
of Architecture, Introduction to Agrest and Gandelsonas: Works. 1993 Wendy L.
Moonan: House of Lights, Bazaar, August 1993 1992 Suzanne Stephens: Charivari
Store, Oculus, November 1992 Susan Slezin: Village, Sweet Village, The New York
Times, July Philip Arcidi: Filling in Princeton, Progressive Architecture, April
Philip Arcidi: Des Moines Vision Plan, Progressive Architecture, February Alex
Krieger: The Eye as an Instrument ( Again ) of Urban Design, Progressive Architecture,
February 1991 Ellen Popper: Hampton Houses, New York Times Long Island Weekly,
June 23, 1991 The Des Moines Vision Plan: Iowa Architect, Fall Mary Lou Gallagher:
Des Moines and the Vision Thing, Planning, December 1991, American Planning
Association The AD 100 Architects: An Exclusive Guide to the World's Foremost
Architects - Architectural Digest, August Rizzoli : Architectural Desk Diary
for 1992 1990 Patricia Zingsheim: The Des Moines Vision Plan; The American City:
An Architectural Continuum, Iowa Architect, Winter, 1990 Des Moines Register
: Looking Back to the Future, October 8, Des Moines Register: Old World Concepts
for Downtown Housing, November 9 Kurt Andersen : Masters of New York Material
Culture, Architectural Digest, November Pilar Viladas: Revisionist History,
House and Garden, November 1989 Paul Goldberger : Agrest and Gandelsonas, Architectural
Digest, April Graciela Ferrer: Diana Agrest Architect, Para Ti - May 1989, Editorial
Atlantica, Buenos Aires Cesar Pelli: On Agrest and Gandelsonas, Catalogue, Five
Choose Five, AIA, St. Louis, 1988 Mildred F. Schmertz : Homage to Loos, Architectural
Record, September, Helen Lipstadt editor: The Experimental Tradition, The Architectural
League of New York and Princeton Architectural Press Agrest and Gandelsonas:
Architectural Digest, April 1989 1988 Lala Mendez Mosquera: Two Urban Proposals
for High-Rise Residential Buildings, Summa 251, July, Buenos Aires 1987 Pierluigi
Nicolin: Le Citta Immaginate, Nove Progetti per Nove Citta, XVII Triennale di
Milano, Electa, 1987 Marilyn Bethany : Whats Modern Now: Fire and Ice, New York
Magazine, September 28, 1987 1986 Bill McDonald, Mary Pepchinski: Interview,
Builders of the Future: On Shaping Midtown, Metropolis, 1986 Charles Gandee:
Bill Robinson Showroom, Architectural Record Interiors, September, 1986 Barbara
Jakobson: Deep Ellum Project, Lotus International 50, Isabelle Malieu-Viennot:
Philippe Robert, The Gramercy Park Condominium, New York, in Creer dans le Cree,
ICOMOS France, Electa Moniteur, Milan, Paris, 1986 Pierluigi Nicolin: On the
Traces of the American City, Lotus International 50, 1986 Herbert Muschamp:
Ground Up, Art Forum, March 1986 1985 Marcela Ceni Goren: Architetti, USA, Roberto
Schezen: Portrait Vogue Italia, No. 422, April 1985 Mildred Schmertz: Theme
and Variations, The Gramercy Park Condominium Building, Architectural Record,
April G. Timmermann: Ideas, Work and Trajectory of Diana Agrest, La Razon, Buenos
Aires, June 1985 Werner Oechslin: The Beautification of the City, in La Riconstruzione
della citta XVII Triennale di Milano, Electa, 1985 1984 Alan Colquhoun: Creative
Design and Critical Discourse, Lotus International 44, I, 1984 H.W. Hammer and
J.P. Kleihues: Idee Prozess Ergebenis, Die Reparatur und Rrekonstunktion der
Stadt, Catalog International Bauausstellung, Berlin, 1984 Laura Maggi: Follie
per Paesaggi del XX Secolo, Casa Vogue, No. 148. January 1984 Kurt Foster: A
Sense of Building, Architecture + Urbanism, 1984:08 Christine Boyer: Architecture
of Fragments in Detail: The Special Task, AIR Gallery, New York, 1984 Metmanhattan:
The Whitney Museum Catalogue Alan Colquhoun: Creative Design and Critical Discourse,
Architecture + Urbanism, 1984:08 Andrew Ancker, Mark Kessler, W. Scott Clark
(editors): Autonomous Architecture, Diana Agrest-Mario Gandelsonas, Harvard
Architecture Review, Volume 3, Winter 1984 Dana Cowin: Diana Agrest in Dei Personaggi
in Cerca D'Europa: New York, Vanity, No. 11, Milano, July 1984 Kurt Foster:
A Sense of Building, Lotus International 451, I 1984 1983 Alan Colquhoun: On
Writing Architecture, Progressice Architecture, June, 1983 Manhattan Additions
I, Special Architecture, Art Press, Paris, Summer, 1983 Odilia Suarez: Edificio
para Viviendas Buenos Aires, Summa, No. 186, April, 1983 Giannini Giulio Simmonetti:
L'Architettura BiFronte, Relazioni di Progetto, Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas,
Gran Bazaar, March 1983 Paolo Portoghesi: Post Modern - The Architecture of
the Post-Industrial Society, Rizzoli, New York 1983, Electa Milano, 1982 Suzanne
Stephens: On Style, Skyline, January, 1983 1982 Paul Goldberger: Architecture:
Chanin, A Master of the Skyline, The New York Times, December 7, 1982 Aldo Rossi:
On 22 East 71st Street, Skyline, April 1982 Pilar Viladas: Right Building, Wrong
Block, Progressive Architecture, January, 1982 Berto Gonzalez: Diana Agrest
and The Role of History in the Architecture of the City, Clarin, Buenos Aires,
April 23, 1982 George Lewis: Chapter Active on Upper East Side Distric, and
cover, Occulus - The New York Chapter of the AIA, Volume #43, #8, May 1982 Samuel
Brody, John Hejduk, Jacqueline Robertson, Anthony Vidler: Letters to Landmarks
Preservation Commission in support of A&G project in Manhattan Additions I,
Architectural Design, 52,5/6 1982 Vittorio Magnano Lampugnani: Architecture
of the 20th Century in Drawings, Rizzoli, New York, 1982 1981 Anthony Vidler:
The Texts of Typology, Diana Agrest - Mario Gandelsonas, Exhibition Catalogue,
Yale School of Architecture, New Haven, 1981 George Ranalli: Foreword, Diana
Agrest - Mario Gandelsonas, Exhibition Catalogue, Yale School of Architecture,
New Haven, 1981 Paolo Portoghesi: "Un Omaggio a New York", An Apartment Building
by Diana Agrest and Mario Gandelsonas, L'Espresso, November, 1981 Martin Filler:
Harbingers Ten Architects, Art in America, Summer 1981 Suzanne Stephens: Women
in Architecture: Breaking New Ground, House and Garden, Volume 153, No. 3, March
J. Glusberg: Diana Agrest and American Architecture Today, interview, Clarin,
Buenos Aires, March 27, 1981 Suzanne Stephens: Tradition of the New, Skyline,
December, 1981 Ada Louise Huxtable: State of the Art, New York Times, August
1981 David Shapiro and Lindsay Stam: "On Intensity", in Window, Room, Furniture,
The Cooper Union - Rizzoli, 1981 Edmund Bacon, Robert Slutsky, Anthony Vidler:
The Park Square Sketch Problem by Diana Agrest, Harvard Architecture Review,
Volume 2, Spring, 1981 El Diario de Caracas, Interview, Diana Agrest: A New
Prognosis for the City, 1981 1980 Robert Miller: Designs for Living, Ambassador
(TWA), April 1980 Mildred S. Friedman: Editor's Notes, City Segments, Design
Quarterly 113-114, 1980 1979 Suzanne Stephens: Beyond Modernism, Playing with
a Full Decade, Progressive Architecture, December, 1979 J. Grossman: A Different
Project - Three Buildings in Buenos Aires, La Nacion, Buenos Aires, November
21, 1979 M. Staat: The New Architecture - Houses to Human Scale, Quest, February-March,
1979 Ivor Indyk: Literary Theory and Architectural Practice, A Note on Agrest
& Gandelsonas on Practice, International Architect, Number 1, Volume 1, 1979.
J. Grossman: IAUS - New Roads in the Theory and Criticism of Architecture, La
Nacion, Buenos Aires, August, 1979. 1977 Kurt Forster: Between Memory and Amnesia,
Skyline, January, 1979 Robert A.M. Stern, Editor: 40 Under 40, Architecture
+ Urbanism #73, 1977: 01 J. Grossman: Project for the Renewal of La Villette
in Paris, La Nacion, Buenos Aires, June 15, 1977 1976 Manfredo Tafuri: Les Cendres
de Jefferson, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 186, Paris, August-September, 1976
Paul Goldberger: How Architects Develop Ideas, New York Times, December 27,
1976 Odile Fillion: La Villette: Le Concours Impossible, Cree 43, September-October,
Paris, 1976 David Morton-Suzanne Stephens: Singular Houses, Progressive Architecture,
August 1976 1975 Paul Goldberger: Midtown Architecture Institute Flowering as
a Student Mecca, The New York Times, Oct. 30, 1975 Claudio D'amato: Roosevelt
Island Housing Competition , Controspazio, Anno VII, No. 4, December 1975 |
Diana Agrest
Mario Gandelsonas